Link to us

We’re thrilled that you’re interested in linking to our website from your own.

We’re very minimalist when it comes to site design and graphics, so we don’t have any fancy banner graphics or other images you can use (though if you really insist, please let us know, I’m sure we can come up with something). Instead, we’re very much fans of the latest wave of linking: a text link and a 10-20 word description.

Here’s what we’d love you to use on your site:

Funds Focus, the DIY investor’s guide to managed funds, share trading and insurance

Simple, clean, and hopefully quite easy for you to add to your site.

Here’s the entire HTML code: just right click in the box, choose Select All from your menu, then copy and paste the resultant code onto your own Web page:


If that seems way too complex, here’s a simpler bullet item ready to be included in your favourites list:

<li><a href=””><b>Funds Focus – Managed Funds for DIY investors<b></a> —
Funds Focus, the website for the DIY investor, with info on managed funds, share trading and insurance. </li>

Alternatively, if you’d rather just use a standard hyperlink, we’d be just as happy with a simple link like this:

<a href=””>Funds Focus – Managed Funds<a>

You can link to any page on our site if that’s better for you, just replace the URL in the text with the URL of the page you wish to link to.

If you’d prefer to swap links, please email us and we’ll see what we can work out.

Regardless of how you link to us, thanks for helping other people find us on the Web!