Funds Focus Newsletter January 2013

Ice Bucket Challenges and Socially Responsible Investing

Make a Difference
By now, you will have see the Ice Bucket Challenge and how this has swept the world in an effort to create both awareness and raise funds for Motor Neurone Disease (known as ALS in the US).

Since I was nominated this weekend, it seemed only appropriate that we pass on the pleasure to some of the managers in the industry, (they have had more than enough business from me over the years) and I thought I would throw in Chris Cuffe and Scott Pape, who I don’t know but can make a

Invest, tax effective, growth fund

Experimental Economics and Taper Tantrums

I thought it was time to update you on my thoughts of the market currently and how I think the risks – and the opportunities – are best managed at this time.
Reading this you may think it’s all doom and gloom but there are always opportunities in every environment. It’s just a case of using the right tools and I’ve tried to explain how this has been reflected in client portfolios towards the end of this article.

The following is an extract from an email we sent to our Personal

current market, the macro, government debt, investment growth, residential property, bond managers
Money Sapling

Fixed income – Unfranked income better than franked

The misconception that fully franked is better than unfranked income
Over the last 2 years, we have had the pleasure of dealing with hundreds of investors taking advantage of our service on the hybrids/ income securities that we have seen coming to market. You will have noticed that over time we have gradually been building up our research to provide investors with some analysis on how to compare products and where we see these sitting within portfolios. However, one of the common

Hybrid, Fixed Income, Hybrids, Bonds, franked income