What are Multi-Manager Portfolios?

Wealth Focus Multi-Manager Portfolios

Fund Managers

What is a multi-manager portfolio?

Our predefined multi-manager portfolios offer access to many of the best fund managers from the best fund management companies within a master trust. No one company has a monopoly on the best fund managers, so it makes sense to spread your investments between them. In addition a multi-manager portfolio will be well diversified ensuring you are not over exposed to a single area, thereby aiming to reduce your overall investment risk.

Make your investments easier to manage

If you have already made investments in the past, some of them may have done extremely well, some are nothing to shout home about, and others may have performed badly. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of a new fund launch or a rising market. Many investors find themselves investing towards the top of a rising market and cashing in towards the bottom of a falling market. For this reason, we have structured a series of multi-manager portfolios to give you a structured range of funds for the long term, avoiding the need to constantly wonder which investments you should keep and which you should sell?

Multi-manager portfolios can save you time in structuring your own investment strategy

Many of our clients feel that trawling through all the investment marketing and hype to find the right funds to invest into is just too time consuming.

Our multi-manager portfolios can take away the worry of making these decisions, saving you time and reducing your paperwork. If you have a sorry mix of investments you would like to tidy up, each of these funds are available for managed fund transfers and super fund rollovers as well as new investments.